Monday, February 23, 2009

Fish Tank Sand Pros and Cons - Should You Use Sand Or Gravel?

Fish tank gravel is what most people use to cover the floor of their fish tanks. While gravel is a popular choice, there is also aquarium sand available at pet retailers and online fish supply stores. Aquarium sand can give your aquarium a tropical look, but fish tank gravel is economical and easier to use. The best decision for your tank can only be made after you weigh the pros and cons.

Gravel is the easiest fish tank floor covering to use. It comes in many different colors that you can use to customize the look of your tank. You can have everything from neon green and pink to natural looking grey and brown stones.

Gravel is also easier to clean. You can use a gravel vacuum during the cleanup process to suck up small bits of debris and waste. The vacuum will eliminate the tiny pieces while still leaving the gravel intact on the fish tank floor.

On the other hand, gravel shifts a lot more than sand does. If you plan on using live plants in your aquarium design, you may find that they will become disheveled and uprooted over time. It can also display pockets and needs to be smoothed out from time to time.

Aquarium sand is a bit trickier to use. You must turn off the filter on your tank when you first start to use the sand. It is very cloudy to begin with and you have to give it time to settle. You also may need to get an upgraded filter that won't get stuck on the tiny sand particles. Debris shows up much more clearly with sand than it does with gravel.

On the positive side, live plants root well in the sand surface. Sand gives a much more professional look to your tank. It's also an aesthetically pleasing choice if you have a tank with tropical fish.

If you would like to read much more Fish Care Advice visit where we provide expert advice on various fish care topics!

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Marine Tropical Fish - What You Need to Know As a Marine Tropical Fish Pet Owner

Having marine tropical fish in your home or office may be an easier task than you think. A lot of people assume that marine tropical fish are hard to care for. Despite a few basic guidelines and compatibility rules, taking care of tropical fish is no different than freshwater fish. If you want to start your own marine tropical tank, here's what you'll need to know.

Marine tropical fish are popular because of their bold and bright colors. They live in saltwater environments. The fish are normally caught in the wild and require more live food than other types of fish. Their tanks have to be kept between 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit to replicate the tropical water environment.

To start, you'll need a tank, sand, a heater, salt mix, a hydrometer, a protein skimmer and a pH kit. You can ask the aquarium specialist at your local pet shop for tips on how to use these components together to take care of your marine tropical fish. There are also many books and websites on the topic, since taking care of tropical fish can have a learning curve.

If you want to make your marine tropical fish tank easy to take care of, you should start with Damselfish and Clownfish. Damselfish come in many different varieties, but the most popular color is blue. Clownfish were the model for the main character in the film "Finding Nemo."

Once you get more comfortable with taking care of marine tropical fish, you can move on to other varieties. Blennies, Gobies, Tangs, Hawkfish, shrimp and crabs are all good choices for the intermediate saltwater aquarium owner. For a challenge, you can care for tanks with Triggerfish, Lionfish, Seahorses, Anemones, Corals, Eels, Groupers and Starfish. Make sure you check with marine tropical fish compatibility charts before adding any new fish to your tank.

If you would like to read much more Fish Care Advice visit where we provide expert advice on various fish care topics!

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fish Tank Cleaning - How to Properly Clean a Freshwater Fish Tank

Cleaning a fish tank is an important part of owning an aquarium. Your fish need a clean environment to live if you want them to stay healthy and happy. Excess food and fish feces build up over time, which eventually turn into harmful ammonia, so it's important to keep your tank clean not only for its appearance, but for the health of your fish.

Getting on a good fish tank cleaning schedule will help you avoid algae build up and make it easier to clean the tank each time that you do. You can do a routine clean up in about a half an hour. Cleaning your tank on a weekly basis is the best way to stay on top of the grime and keep your fish healthy.

Many people mistakenly believe that you have to drain the whole tank and replace the water each time you clean the take. Actually, completely cleaning an aquarium can be harmful to the fish. As the fish live in the tank, good bacteria that cuts down on disease starts to grow in the tank. When a tank is cleaned from top to bottom, you remove these good bacteria, putting your fish in harm's way.

You need to regularly replace 10 to 50 percent of the water that is in the tank on a regular basis. Most people do 25 percent. This way you'll be able to add fresh water without completely removing the good bacteria. If there are algae on the sides of the tank you can use a scrubber but don't remove all of the algae because it is natural to their environment and very healthy for them.

Make sure to check the filter for debris, but don't replace it each time you clean. Good bacteria build up in the filter as well so you'll only want to replace it when you absolutely have to. Just use a clean bucket full of chlorine-free water and rub your hands across the filter several times to get the bulk sludge and slime off, that's it!

When decorative items become stained you can remove them from the tank and soak them in a 10 percent bleach solution for 15 minutes, use a brush and be sure to rinse them thoroughly before replacing them! If you do not rinse them thoroughly you could easily kill all of your fish!

Finally, replace the filter, the decorative items and add new water, remembering to use some type of water treatment solution to remove all chlorine. It's also a good idea to add a little conditioning salt to prevent disease.

If you would like to learn much more about proper Fish Tank Care visit where we provide expert advice on that and much more!

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Setting Up Saltwater Tanks - Tips to Setup Your Saltwater Aquarium the Right Way

Many people are interested in setting up saltwater tanks but never take the leap and actually set one up. Many are afraid that saltwater aquariums are extremely hard and the fish always die. While it is true that some saltwater fish are delicate and that the tanks require a bit more care there really is nothing that hard about setting up saltwater tanks, as long as you follow a few key pieces of advice.

How To Build The Foundation For a Successful Saltwater Aquarium

Over Filter The Tank- The filter system on your marine aquarium is critical to the overall look and health of your tank and saltwater fish. The filter system does more then just filter the water, it also provides circulation in the tank which will help oxygenate the water. For that reason it is smart to always buy a filter that is rated slightly higher then your tank. This is because as debris builds up in them their performance will degrade and water flow decrease.

Avoid Small Tanks- Anyone setting up saltwater tanks for the first time should never go smaller then 40 gallons. This is because tanks that are smaller will suffer from temperature and salt level changes faster then larger tanks. These changes can cause your fish to get stressed and sick. A larger saltwater aquarium also lets you keep a few more fish then the smaller tanks making the display more colorful and pleasing to the eye.

Do Not Add To Many Fish- Having to many fish in a marine aquarium will almost always end with dead fish, algae and a ugly tank. Marine fish are territorial and will fight for the space they call their own, often to the death. They are also very sensitive to high nitrate levels which are common in over stocked marine aquariums. To avoid overstocking stick with a medium fish for every ten gallons of tank and a small fish for every eight gallons of tank volume.

To create a stunning and easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning displays! Learn more at

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Betta Fish Diseases

Fish diseases are broadly classified in to Bacterial, Environmental and Parasitic diseases. Microorganisms are present everywhere in the tank. However, the problem occurs when your Betta Fish is restless.

Betas are more prone to infection because of low resistant power. This causes a drastic change in their health and wellness that may result in death, if ignored.

Environmental diseases imply the surroundings, where your Betta Fish dwells. Adequate care and cleanliness of the fish tank help to keep the fungus and microorganisms away from your Betta fish.

Types of Diseases:

Parasites are small creatures and Oƶdinium is the most common disease-causing parasite in Bettas. In addition, bugs can literally make your Betta fish sick. Ichthyophthirius multifilis is also a kind of parasitic disease occurring in Betta fish.

Following are some of the Betta Fish diseases that come in the above-discussed three types.

Unionized Ammonia (NH3)

This is an environmental disease referred as Ammonia poisoning in simple terms. It occurs due to the below mentioned factors:

1. A new unhygienic tank
2. Many fishes dwelling in the same tank
3. Frequent water change
4. Filtration problems

Symptoms are as follows:

1. Fish struggling for oxygen
2. Rests at the bottom of the tank
3. Bleeding gills
4. Reddish streaks on the fins
5. Weakness and stationary
6. No food intake

To keep your Betta Fish healthy, you need to take regular care of the fish. If ignored, the poisoning will hurt and break the tissues of fish, resulting in red blood scratches all over the body. In long run, the central nervous system and brain might also deteriorate leading to death.

Flexibacter Columnaris

This is a bacterial disease also known as Mouth Fungus, Flexibater, Cotton Mouth, and simply Columnaris. It is usually found in catfish and live bearing Betta fishes.

Symptoms are as follows:

1. Fish making water unclean frequently
2. Low appetite with no nutritional value
3. Stress
4. White spots occurring all over the body
5. Rotten fins
6. Fungus on the affected area

The bacteria enter the fish from mouth, injured areas, bruises, and gills. It is a communicable disease resulting in death. The bacteria multiply drastically. The disease progresses quickly in high water temperatures, and hence lowering the temperature is not a solution to deal with this condition.

Oodinium Pilularis

This is a parasitic disease also called as Gold rust Disease or Velvet. Oodiniums are parasites, which are capable of eradicating the entire Betta fish population in your tank.

Symptoms are as follows:

1. Fish rubbing against objects
2. Sluggishness
3. Frequent and quick gill movement
4. Weight loss
5. Compressed and closed fins

L. CLARK is a successful publisher of WEBMASTERS you may publisher this article provide you leave the link in place.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Problems Caused by Ammonia and Nitrite in Ponds

You'll never see the two biggest killers of fish and plants lurking in your pond. Chances are, you'll find struggling plants and fish long before you realize these troublesome components are in your water. Unfortunately, for many pond owners, the deadliest threats to their ponds are silent, quick and invisible.

Water quality is the cornerstone of a healthy clear pond. Without healthy water, your fish and plants won't last very long, and your pond will become more of an eyesore than a pleasure. Great water quality all comes back to properly balanced biological filtration. In a properly "cycled" pond, water never contains ammonia or nitrites. However, new ponds and ponds in crisis will exhibit signs of biological imbalance. These signs include ammonia and nitrite concentrations above zero.

High ammonia has three main culprits: in new ponds, with large bacteria die-off or when there's a drastic pH change in your water. In a new pond, high ammonia levels are part of the cycling process. You will see high ammonia until beneficial bacteria are established in your filter and substrate. Until you see ammonia levels drop, your pond is not ready for fish.

Many well-meaning fish keepers kill the beneficial bacteria in their pond by over-cleaning their filters (i.e. rinsing filter pads in tap water or replacing the entire filter pad). Always use pond water to clean your filter pad and change the filter pads gradually- never all at once.

At lower pH levels (under 5.8) ammonia becomes ammonium, a harmless by-product of waste. Left without water changes, ponds become acidic as waste builds up and minerals are depleted. When the pH is brought back up to neutral (i.e. during a large water change), ammonium turns back into ammonia and creates a massive die-off of fish and plants. If you haven't completed a water change in your pond for months, be careful about doing one large water change. Instead, use small water changes over several days to slowly bring your pH back to neutral.

When you have high ammonia levels in your pond (greater than 1 ppm), you'll see your fish gasping at the surface of your pond for air. Often, fish also have enflamed gills and refuse to eat. If you see your fish having these problems in your pond, immediately treat with an ammonia neutralizer or remove the fish to an alternate tank or pond. If all else fails, buy a clean trash can and use this as an alternative tank until you balance your pond's water quality.

High nitrite levels have two culprits: in new ponds and when there's a bacteria die-off. If you have a new pond, you will see an ammonia spike followed by a nitrite spike. Eventually, nitrifying bacteria will establish themselves in your filter to turn these nitrites to nitrates. Nitrites are very toxic to fish, while nitrates are harmless. Like ammonia, you can have a nitrite spike if you over-clean your filters in tap water or replace all your filter pads at the same time.

If you have high nitrite levels (above .5 ppm), you will see your fish gasping at the surface of the water. Their gills will turn brown (instead of red) and they will usually look much darker than normal (especially koi). If you notice these symptoms, immediately add aquarium salt per the dosing instructions on the package! Aquarium salt will save your fish's lives by neutralizing the ion that attacks your fish's blood when you have high nitrite levels. After you have added aquarium salt, you can control the nitrite levels with water changes until the nitrite levels drop again.

Casey Coke is a Marketing Manager for Natural Environmental Systems, LLC, a global supplier of microbial pond supplies and distributor of pond filters and other equipment.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Will I Need a Protein Skimmer on My Saltwater Tank? Protein Skimming of Saltwater Aquariums Examined

One of the most controversial pieces of saltwater aquarium equipment is the protein skimmer. These specialized filters do a good job of stripping a lot of pollutants and compounds out of the water. But is a protein skimmer needed in every saltwater tank?

The answer is no and there are many successful saltwater aquariums that proved this point. Below you will see some types of tanks that will not necessarily need a protein skimming to be successful.

Types of Marine Tanks That May Not Need Protein Skimming

Fish Only Tanks- Generally tanks that house just saltwater fish will do fine without a protein skimmer. Although you will need to have adequate filtration and your water changes will need to be more frequent to keep up with and nitrates that occur.

Soft Coral Reef Tank- Generally reef tanks with soft corals can get away without a skimmer. This is because soft corals are very hardy and many come from less pristine parts of the ocean. This means they can handle slightly lees then perfect water quality much better then other corals can.

Tanks With Refugiums- a refugium is an additional tank that grows special types of algeas around the clock. This algae will use the compounds that other nuisance algaes need to grow. This method works almost as good as skimming.Additionally a refugium can provide a the saltwater fish and corals with natural food

Keep in mind that although a skimmer is not needed to have a great saltwater tank they will give you an extra barrier of protection against algae.A good skimmer will also help keep nitrates down and also oxygenate your tanks water as well.

To create a stunning and easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning displays! Learn more at

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Arowana Introduction and Info

Arowana fishes has been known for many years. they are the king of tropical fish. Asian tropical fishes are very well liked and longed by all hobbyist so that the market price is stable and tend to increase over time. Why is This so? Beacuse arowanas are difficult to breed and one breeder can only produce 30 to 60 fishes and not all breeder will produce eggs. So there is thendency that demand is greater than supply. Furthermore, the natural environment that is required for breeding arowanans only exist in few Asian countries, mainly in Indonesia.

Is arowana still in their natural habitat? It is difficult to answer. If still exist, we migth not see them, because of its scarcity. Currently, arowanas can only be seen in the farm for breeding, some farms has produced up to F5 to avoid its extinction.

Arowana super red are originally from lake Sentarum, This lake flow into kapuas river located in West Borneo. There are a lot of arowana farms, small into big farms. Super red arowana is the hardest to breed outside its habitat. Golden Mahato arowana was originally from Siak river in Pekanbaru. It has gold color scales and at a glance is similar to Cross Back Golden Malaysia. These two are Indonesian arowana trademark, which are very sought after by all arowana fans in Indonesia and Worldwide.

Some Indonesian arowanas include super red, red tail golden, golden mahato, banjar red, and green arowana. Indonesian tropical climate is very suitable for arowana breeding. water is the most critical element in arowana breeding, water source is not a problem in Indonesia. Eg, there is kapuas river "The Natural Habitat Arowana" in Kalimantan and Riau, there are a few small river, so water source is widely available.

A few countries who are the main market for Indonesian arowana production : Japan, China, Thaiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysian and Korea.

There is no doubt, arowana are Indonesia's pride that we have to preserve; as Indonesia is the biggest arowana produce in the world...

Andrew Pangkawira - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Consider This Before Proceeding "To Grow a Reef'

I have been a hobbiest for over half my life. I have experienced firsthand the many pitfalls which contributed to the notion of abandoning the marine home aquarium. Although moving on was an option I seemed to always be drawn to the beauty, the diversity and challenges which this hobby has to offer.

I learned that there is an element in reef keeping which when ignored contributes to failure. The failure was neglecting to consider the long term cost in creating a reef feature, and mentally establishing the time and effort it takes in maintaining a reefscape.

Most people are unaware that the aquarium itself, the filters, pumps, and lights are the cheapest and least time consuming aspect of the maintaining a saltwater feature. True, top quality equipment is high ticket items up front but in the long run are the cheapest. My advice is this: This hobby is expensive, and in some areas, you just can't cut corners. If you can't afford it, don't get involved with it. The 'junk' equipment stems from this often ignored fact.

Second, and probably more critical is the time and energy it takes to maintain a reefscape.
The statement: "Too many people 'dive' into setting up a reef like a fresh water system- buying an aquarium, filling it with de-chlorinated water, adding the animals, and then expecting it to thrive like that in the ocean", demonstrates exactly the mentality of reef keeping. (This may work with goldfish or guppies, but it's not going to work for SW.)

There are two types of people in this hobby: Those who are dedicated and those who are caught up in the "cool" phase. From the reefers I have met who have long term satisfying success in this hobby have a deep understanding that a reef tank requires maintenance (time) and upkeep (money). This hobby requires dedication and very few people who get into it are truly dedicated. This is comparable to owning a puppy. It needs to be walked, fed, brushed, groomed, vet visits, etc... Reef keeping is akin to this. There is some instant instant gratification but a nice reef and long term enjoyment takes time and diligent dedication to establish.

In conclusion, if one desires to 'grow a reef' he or she must take 3-6 months to research and develop a plan which takes into account the due diligence in maintaining and growing a reef for long term. If this small step proves too difficult to achieve then maybe another hobby should be chosen. Avoiding research and planning leaves one vulnerable to the real pitfall, mainly, impulse buying.

My next article will attempt to offer basic course of action and strategies to aid in the long term satisfaction of growing a reef.

Dan Owensby

Aquarium hobby since 1968. Marine and reef experience since 1980. My aquarium was the feature aquarium in the 1994 issue of the FYI section of the Kansas City Star. I own and operate PrimeReef Aquatics since 2005. Moderator on forum. - supplies top quality products, livestock and advice for the serious hobbiest. Their goal is to aid in the advancement and enjoyment of growing a reef. Unlike most suppliers they are interested in the quality of growing a reef not solely the profit of it. For your long term enjoyment of your captive reef system please visit my website at the above link for top quality products.

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tropical Fish Disease - What You Can Do

Do you often sit and gaze in wonder at the little swimmers that traverse the aquarium in your office or living room? It is a well-established fact that enjoying tropical fish can lower your blood pressure, decrease your pulse, and help you relax and lower your feelings of stress or anxiety. For the most part, fish are pretty easy to care for as well; you don't need to walk them or take them to a kennel when you plan to be out of town for a weekend.

There is one menace that you should be aware of, however; that is tropical fish disease. Tropical fish diseases can affect or kill the fish in your tank so you need to be aware of how to avoid the plight of ich, velvet, fin rot, parasites, and a whole host of other ailments that can destroy your whole aquarium. Remember that your fish tank is a closed environment, unlike the sea or fresh water rivers where fish can swim to safety and avoid diseased cohabitants. Because your fish are in such close proximity, it can be difficult or impossible to contain the spread of sickness if you do not have a separate tank for any fish that might get a tropical fish disease.

The most important thing you can do to ensure the good health of your colorful friends is to avoid bringing any sick fish into the tank and to take good care of your aquarium so that sicknesses are prevented. Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

So, whether you already experience the joy of housing your very own tropical fish or whether you are considering adding these delightful creatures to your living space, it pays to learn all you can about how to properly care for both your tank and your fish so that you can reap he rewards of these blessings from nature for years to come.

Take care of your aquarium now! Tropical Fish Disease is the site to visit.

Check out this review of the best Tropical Fish products on the market Click Here

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Dalmatian Molly in the Tropical Aquarium

Each Dalmatian Molly pattern is unique, some having more black spots than others and some being much more white. Their bodies are chunky with rounded fins, except for the male's anal fin, which is pointed. They can grow up to 4-inches in length.

Although Dalmatian Mollies have peaceful temperaments, they do get a bit nippy. Provide them with plenty of sturdy plant life for nibbling to keep the nipping of other fish at bay. Plant life is optimal too because of their need to eat plenty of algae.

Angel Fish, Guppies and Platys are well suited mates for the Mollies. Also consider housing them with other Molly breeds. There are many types to choose from and they will cross-breed. It's kind of a fun surprise, the different combinations of fry that result.

Dalmatian Mollies do enjoy chasing other species around, but they generally cause no harm.

It is important for the health of the Mollies to have aquarium salts added to the water. For every two gallons of water add one teaspoon of salt. Take into consideration before adding other species to the tank that they can tolerate salt water. The water temperature should be between 68-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Dalmation Mollies need plenty of swim area, so 1-inch of fish per 1-gallon of water is best.

For optimum health give your Dalmatian Mollies not only algae-based flake food, but small amounts of greens. Lettuce and cooked peas are good choices. They also enjoy occasional snacks of freeze-dried bloodworms or tubifex.

Chances are good that when you bring home your female Molly, she will already be pregnant, as she is able to hold sperm for up to six months. The gestation period is anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. Being a livebearer, she will give birth to more than 20 little free swimmers at one time. Some people place their pregnant Mollies in a breeding net before birthing. This is a bad idea because she will likely become stressed.

For the fry, have ready aforehand a 9 or 10 gallon tank. After the mother gives birth, remove the fry with a turkey baster and put them into their own tank. Of course you can't be watching the aquarium 24 hours a day, so have plenty of floating plant life for them to hide in until you are able to get them to safety. You will also need to have your filter covered with netting before they are born, as it is likely many of the fry will get sucked into it. If you choose not to have a separate tank for the fry, than be sure you add extra floating plant life for hiding.

The fry can eat crushed flake food and baby brine shrimp.

The Dalmatian Molly grows to adult size in about 3 months. Well before that, they may join the other fish in the community tank. You'll be able to judge when they are big enough to not be eaten by the bigger fish.

The average life span of the Dalmatian Molly is 2 years.

You're going to enjoy watching these black and white beauties race back and forth, stopping for a nibble here and there.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Discus Fish Info - Things You Ned to Know About Discus Fish

Anybody who is thinking of creating a tropical aquarium for their discus fish needs the right info, information on discus is freely available on the Internet, in books, magazines, and guides. A majority of the information that is found online about discus fish comes from other people like yourself that have taken a keen interest in this specific breed of fish as at first hobby and have then taken there experiences and put them out online. Due to this, the discus information that is available to on the internet is the work of experienced discus fish keepers helping you in creating the ideal habitat for your fish needs.

If you are in need of some kind of special information it is always best to seek advice from a few different sources. Search for a variety of discus fish info sites and check that solution they offer to your problems or worries match up to each other. If you find a couple of sites that give different advice within the discus information you were looking for, the best things to do is either speak to a vet or pet shop owner or check the info with a well-known information guide or book . Not all health problems are treated the same, depending on the circumstances that created a discus type of ailment.

Additionally, information on these fish will always be useful in finding out all the day to day needs it takes to create the perfect aquarium for keeping your fish. From thing like the water nitration and filter to picking the best vegetation, discus info is a top priority, especially when you think that every kind of fish that you can think of has its own habits. What do you think would happen if you just put together all sorts of different varieties of fish that as a rule are not able to mix in the same environment? Lack of knowledge of discus fish info will possibly lead to your fish dying and will be a big waste; that's why it's better to search out for all the facts first instead of trying to figure out what to do the right way day by day.

Finally, online forums are always an excellent way to find the info you need on your fish. If you ever need to change or improve anything in the aquarium, be certain to get all the discus fish info you need to help keep your fish healthy and safe and stop any type of disease or any other type of damage to your new pets. If you do not complete the minimum safety standards it can have a drastic affect on your pets, so, make sure you keep updated.

There are plenty of information sources to learn more discus fish info and their breeding that will definitely assist you in satisfying the needs of your discus fish.
To find out more visit Discus Fish Info
Always stay informed on the feeding and breeding habits of your Discus Fish.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Setting Up Saltwater Aquariums - Beginner Tips For New Saltwater Tanks

Anyone interested in setting up saltwater aquariums is more then likely nervous and over whelmed with the amount of work involved in the process. As hard as they seem saltwater aquariums are not as hard as they look, they just need to be planned and set up correctly. The tips below will cover some of the more common areas beginners make mistakes in.

Tips For a Successful Saltwater Tank

Buy Slightly Larger Filters Then You Need- The filter system is by far the most important piece of equipment on your saltwater tank. It is responsible for providing clean clear water plus it is also responsible for water circulation. When shopping for your filter keep in mind that most manufactures will over rate their products ability by at least 10%. With this in mind always buy a slightly larger filter and you will have less problems down the road.

Buy The Right Sized Tank- The tank is the foundation of your saltwater system. This foundation can be made more stable with a larger tank. Factors like salinity levels, water temperature and other chemical aspects of the fishes environment will be more consistent and less subject to change with a tank in the range of 40-75 gallons. And consistency and stability are critical to keeping healthy saltwater fish.

Do Not Over Stick Your Tank- Adding to many fish into a saltwater aquarium is a recipe for disaster that will lead to algae and dead fish. This is because unlike freshwater fish marine fish are very territorial and need ample space to feel less stress. While some fish are not as territorial as others you should still stick to a basic rule of one average sized saltwater fish per ten gallons of tank volume you should be okay. Down the road as your skills increase you can try to add more but always add new fish slowly and wait a few weeks in between new additions.

To create a stunning and easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning displays! Learn more at

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Saltwater Aquarium Care - Hidden Dangers to Avoid When Doing Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance

Performing proper and consistent saltwater aquarium care is a crucial part to having a successful marine aquarium and many people realize this. But what many people do not realize is that there are dangers that you must avoid when doing saltwater aquarium maintenance.

Common Marine Aquarium Dangers and How To Avoid them

Electrical Danger- All equipment that is used in your aquarium is powered by electricity. While all of these items are designed to not transmit electricity into the water nothing is 100%. In order to avoid being shocked or electrocuted always use a GFI circuit that will trip and protect you if a short is detected.

Bacterial Danger- A saltwater aquarium is full of bacteria, some is harmless and useful to the tank. While others are harmful to humans and can make you very sick. To avoid coming into contact with the bacteria always use rubber gloves when doing your aquarium maintenance and always wash your hands with anti bacterial soap and hot water after cleaning your salt water tank.

Fish Danger- While not all saltwater fish are dangerous there are some that can bite, cut or poke you. To avoid this danger use caution when doing performing saltwater aquarium care if your tank houses aggressive fish like trigger fish or venomous fish like lion fish. TO clean the tank safely you may need to have a helper hold them back with a poker. Or you can make a plastic tank divider to keep them away from the side of the aquarium yo are working on.

Cutting Danger- If you have live rock or dead coral skeletons in your salt water tank be careful of the sharp edges when doing saltwater aquarium maintenance. These types of decorations have very sharp edges that can cut you very easily. Always use gloves that are strong enough to withstand a brush against the sharp rock or coral.

To create a stunning and easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning displays! Learn more at

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Beginner Saltwater Aquarium Tips For Anyone Wanting a Successful Saltwater Aquarium

Setting up a new salt water aquarium is very fun and exciting hobby. It is also a hobby that can be fairly expensive and rushing into it can wind up costing you more then you need to. Below you will see some useful tips that will help you have a successful saltwater tank.

Avoid Small Tanks- As neat as they seem those small aquariums are nothing but trouble. They are not stable, will limit the amount of fish you can keep in your tank and actually require more care then a larger tank. For a good beginner saltwater aquarium stick with something over 40 gallons and under 90 and you will be set!

Learn About The Fish You Like- Knowing what types of saltwater fish you want to keep in your salt water tank will help you properly choose the proper sized tank and filtration system. It will also allow you to eliminate any delicate or hard to keep saltwater fish from your list.

Stay Vigilant In Your Care- Nothing Will wreck a nice clean beginner saltwater aquarium like lack of maintenance will. But you can keep your tank clean by changing 25% of the water every month, cleaning your filters every other week and giving the fish and equipment a visual check every other day or so.

Do Not Over Stock- Cramming to many fish into a saltwater tank is a common problem with new marine tank owners and algae and dead fish are the result. Avoid this by only keeping a medium sized fish per ten gallon of tank water. Over time you can see if you can add more but take it slow!

Do Not Over Feed- Overfeeding your marine fish is just as bad as overstocking the tank. When you feed your fish you should shut off your filters and pumps and add small amounts that the fish eat quickly. Repeat this a few times and make sure no food gets left uneaten or it can rot and cause algae to grow in your beginner saltwater aquarium

To create a stunning and easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning displays! Learn more at

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Too Much Algae in Your Tropical Fish Tank?

Too much algae ruins the tropical fish tank hobby for many people. The green slime coats the glass, plants, and gravel, and a beautiful fish tank is turned into an ugly embarrassment.

Don't give up! Here's a five-point plan for dealing with too much algae in your tropical fish tank.

1. Remove as much algae as you can

You know when you can hardly see your tropical fish, too much algae is making your fish tank a misery. The first thing to do is to remove as much algae as you can. This is the start of the fight back, and a cleaner tank will inspire you to prevent algae permanently. Collect and remove green algae by twirling a cocktail stick through it. Algae magnets will clean the glass of most algae - for stubborn spots use a toothbrush or an old credit card. Discard any plants covered in algae, and remove decorations and wash the green slime off.

2. Reduce the nutrients (short-term fix)

Your tropical fish tank already looks better, but the algae will return double quick if you don't take the next step. Perform a partial water change and remove up to 40% of the water from the aquarium. Get rid of the detritus and algae you scraped off in step one. Replace with clean water - add an aquarium dechlorinator to your tap water first, or better yet age the water for 48 hours in an old tank or safe bucket. If your tap water has a lot of nutrients in it, you will need to consider using a resin or a reverse-osmosis unit to clean it up first, otherwise you're just adding too much algae food back into the tank.

3. Reduce the nutrients (permanently)

To keep the nutrient level down - and so starve algae of the phosphates and nitrates they need - you need to look at three factors. Firstly, make sure your tank is not over-stocked with fish. Secondly, ensure you're not over-feeding them. All food added should be consumed completely within five minutes, and there should be none visible on the floor of the tank. Thirdly, start a regular water change regime to keep refreshing the old dirty water with clean water.

4. Increase the planting

Algae will smother plants in a badly maintained fish tank, so the first three steps are vital to get it under control. Adding plants to a tank where the algae is in retreat will finish the job, though. Cheap stem plants grow quickly and absorb a lot of waste, reducing the food for algae. Floating plants can spread very rapidly to block out the light, further suppressing the algae. Floating plants will also absorb a lot of nitrate and phosphate.

5. Consider adding CO2 fertilisation and better lighting

If plants don't grow well in your aquarium, you may need to consider upgrading your lighting and adding CO2 to the water. It may seem odd to add more light, but plants in a well-kept tank will stop too much algae growing, so it makes sense to get them established. CO2 is much more important to plants than algae, so again by feeding the tank with CO2 can encourage plant growth rather than too much algae. CO2 can be cheaply added via a DIY kit, so it needn't cost too much.

For more algae control tips to keep your tropical fish tank looking its best, please pay a visit to AquaDaily, the top aquarium tips, news and reviews blog.

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Well-Balanced Saltwater Fish Tank

Saltwater tanks are more difficult to maintain because marine life inside has little tolerance to fluctuations. They are used to a stable habitat underwater. Therefore, the key to maintaining saltwater aquarium is copying the general conditions of the sea to your tank such that the marine fishes hardly notice the difference.

It is very useful to study marine life and science of it to start this hobby. It may be quite difficult at first, but if you understand the ecosystem underwater, this hobby will be easier and more interesting for you.

The tank needs a huge amount of water to make it more stable and absorbs shock more easily. This prevents disturbing the equilibrium of water and makes the tank more peaceful for marine life.

For instance, a dead fish will only create a minor imbalance in a big tank, but if it dies in a small tank, there will be dramatic changes.

Nutrient cycles are important to sustain a tank. First, dissolved oxygen comes in to the system over the water-air interface or by the activity of an air pump. The second one is the carbon dioxide which goes out of the system into the air. Other significant nutrient cycles are phosphate cycle, iron, sulfur, and micronutrients. These enter as food and escaping as waste substances.

Water conditions should be checked. Keep it free from dirt. Dead fish or other decaying corals should be removed at once to avoid contaminating the tank. Also check water salinity. It shouldn't be too salty.

The saltwater is an alkaline, and the pH is the alkalinity or acidicity of fresh water. However, the hardness calculates total dissolved mineral content. In addition, the hard water is often alkaline and the soft water is always acidic. Other significant factors are dissolved organic content and dissolved gases content.

Chloramine is commonly used today because it is more stable. A saltwater fish tanks also need the presence of a mixture of salts and other minerals.

Other tanks are adapting to other water sources also. They change the alkaline content of water, the hardness, or dissolved content of gases and organics before putting it to the fish tank. Additives like sodium bicarbonate also help to raise pH.

The water that would be placed in the fish tank may also be filtered or purified in two different ways: deionization or reverse osmosis.

The water's temperature creates the basis of one of the two primary fish tank classifications. These are the tropical and cold water. Most water plants and animals can only adapt with a limited range of water temperatures. It is important that the temperature is consistent to minimize fatalities in the tank. Use a thermostat and heater unit or cooling unit to help regulate the water temperature.

Water movement is also significant in perfectly imitating a natural environment. This can be manipulated by the use of aeration from powerheads, air pumps, and proper design of internal water flow like the path of the filtration system points of inflow and outflow.

For more information on Saltwater fish tanks and Saltwater Lighting please visit our website.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Saltwater Aquariums - A Beginner's Guide

More and more people are starting to pick up the hobby of maintaining saltwater aquariums. They are drawn to its more natural look, colorful and wide variety of marine life.

Freshwater fish are generally collected from streams, rivers, lakes and ponds while saltwater fish are found in seas and oceans. Saltwater life has a stable environment that they cannot easily adapt to the major changes on temperature or water chemistry.

Marine fish are taken from the wild, such that shipping and handling can be risky. This is the main reason that this hobby is more expensive than maintaining freshwater fish.

To start this hobby, buy the very basic equipment enough to get you started for the meantime. Undergravels will not be very important for a while. Get a good tank with power filters, deluxe heaters and airstones. Additional accessories include crushed corals or special gravel, a hydrometer and some sea salt mix.

Some of the saltwater fish you might consider getting are angel, anthias, batfish, basslet, blenny, cardinal, butterfly, clown, damsel, drumfish, filefish, eels, goatfish and goby.

You can also put invertebrates like a coral, anemone, gorgonian, feather duster, crab, lobster and jelly fish.

The size of the aquarium really doesn't matter but it is better to have a large tank. This is easier to chemically balance and make it more compatible with fish. If you are quite on a budget, get a medium sized tank but be sure to be complete with all the necessary basic equipment.

When starting out, understand the basics of fish compatibility. When two kinds of fish are less related, they are more likely to get along. Any type of fish that can fit into the mouth of another fish is more likely to end up gobbled. To know more about these, research about aquarium literature.

Most hobbyists prefer a combined selection of invertebrates and fish in their aquarium. Although it is more natural to look at this way, it is also a more complicated setup. This phenomenon called Saltwater Ich can end up killing the invertebrates. Since the cell structures of invertebrates and parasites are similar, the chemical reactions are also similar.

When medicating your tank from Saltwater Ich, which usually lasts up to 4 weeks, hobbyists are forced to either sacrifice their invertebrates or their fish. The invertebrates are moved to another tank. The fish, on the other hand, runs the risk of ineffective treatment.

Taking a closer look, these saltwater invertebrates are actually carriers of the Ich problem. Since an appropriate treatment has not been finalized, most suppliers do not guarantee that their invertebrates are parasite-free.

For novice hobbyists, it is best that you initially weigh the risks when having a mixed collection. It is noted that quarantine tanks and freshwater dips can actually reduce the chances that new specimens can introduce such disease to their established new habitat. For starters, you can opt to place a small number of fish for the meantime.

For more information on Saltwater Aquarium Fish and Angel Fish please visit our website.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Aquarium Tanks For Today

Aquarium tanks can be a nice environment for a large number of different fish life, amphibians and even numerous varieties of beautiful plants. The specific items that you will be planning to place inside the tank will play a large factor into determining which type of tank will be the best choice for you. After making this important decision, you will then need to make a list of all of the necessary supplies and accessories that you may need.

Fish are of course one of the most popular choices for aquarium tanks. A large number of people take advantage of the many benefits that are offered in care for fish life instead of other choices like a dog or a cat, simply because there is a lot less time that is required in the care and the maintenance that is involved.

If you have not browsed through the stores lately on the large varieties that are available in these tanks, you are in for a real treat. There are numerous different selections that are available in many different sizes. No matter what particular type of plant or fish that you plan on placing in the tank, you are sure to find many choices in aquarium tanks that will work great for your needs. There is also a large variety in the shapes that are offered.

These tanks can be purchased as just a plain and simple tank, and they can be purchased where they are built into a nice decorative stand. Numerous homeowners and business owners are even choosing tanks that are encased in bookshelves and other types of large cabinets. This choice is one that becomes more popular every single year. As a unique touch to the beauty and dƩcor that is offered in your home, you might enjoy a selection that is found available in furniture such as a coffee table. Aquarium tanks are actually made inside the coffee table, making a beautiful conversational item in any home or office. These tanks can be used for plants, other types of decorations, or varieties of marine life, the choices are actually endless.

For ideas on the type of tank you would like to choose, many of the local pet shops in your area can be a great place to start. You will also find many selections available on the Internet that can be found at prices that are simple unbelievable.

If you would like more information on acrylic aquarium try my site. And I also have a page on saltwater aquarium.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tips in Setting-Up a Saltwater Aquarium

An aquarium is a vivarium consisting of at least 1 transparent side, keeping water-dwelling animals and plants inside. These aquariums can hold fish, amphibians, invertebrates, aquatic plants, and marine mammals.

Aquariums have two types, namely; the saltwater aquariums and the fresh water aquariums. A saltwater aquarium is harder to maintain because marine fishes and other saltwater life are more delicate to maintain. It requires studying a bit of environmental science to understand marine life.

A saltwater aquarium is more appealing, colorful, and beautiful. Marine life is composed of a wide variety of fishes and mammals, anemones, live corals, jellyfish and crustaceans inside the tanks. You can also keep several colored reef fishes for a more natural effect. Thus, the movement of the living organisms inside often looks colorful and vibrant. Several popular saltwater aquarium fishes include the angelfish, comical blenny, blue lined triggerfish, damsels, and the clown fish.

It is very important to maintain the level of water and salt of saltwater tanks to keep the aquamarine species in your saltwater aquarium alive and healthy. Water from these saltwater aquariums tend to evaporate and leaves behind only the salt. A hydrometer is a useful device in detecting water salinity, and compensating the level of evaporated water.

There are two types of hydrometers used by aquarists. The first one is the swing needle hydrometer. The other one comes with a tube and a separate needle around 3/8 inches in diameter. The swing needle hydrometer is packed with all its parts together as compared to the other hydrometer with a tube and a separate needle. It is placed inside a narrow plastic container. When filled with seawater, the swing needle hydrometer starts moving in an arc position. This is right onto the graduation marked on the container and stopping at the relevant SG.

When setting up your own saltwater aquarium, first check the tank for leaks. Then, clean your tank with 1 teaspoon of pure bleach for every 5 gallons of water. Scrub the tank, plastic plants, rocks and other decorations. Rinse them with clean water.

Install the filtration system next. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

Wash the substrate before you put it in your aquarium. Then, put the plants inside, securing the bottoms in the substrate. Fill a large bucket with clean water.

Using your hydrometer, add some salt. Fill your aquarium with saltwater, leaving about one inch at the top. Start your filter system. Then, add the thermometer and heater. Most of the marine fishes are healthy in 70 and 80 degrees.

Let the system run for 72 hours prior to getting the temperature setting. Then add the fish you bought in the pet shop when the tank temperature is within the limits and the chemical levels are all sanctioned.

Buy a power head to produce constant water movement. it is very necessary to marine fishes. Be careful when you buy one. Make sure you do not buy the big one because it can cause a whirlpool effect.

Buy a protein skimmer. This is also important for your marine tank. The protein skimmer will remove organic debris from the water. You will also need an external air pump and water pump for your skimmer.

For more information on Saltwater Aquariums and Saltwater Aquarium Ideas please visit our website.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Basic Salt Water Aquarium Setup - Overview of an Inexpensive Saltwater Aquarium System

Many people do not get to experience the enjoyment of saltwater tanks because they think all saltwater aquariums are expensive to setup. The article below will help you see that the truth is that you can have a basic salt water aquarium setup without paying a lot of money.

The Tank- The best size would be right around 40 gallons. These tanks are not very expensive but still offer a great size for stability of all chemical and physical water properties. Stick with the standard glass tops and fluorescent lighting that come with the tank.

Aquarium Filters- A good canister filter will easily be able to handle a 40 gallon basic salt water aquarium setup with ease. Or you could even use a larger hang on tank filter which will cost less money and still give you good results

Other Equipment- You will have to get a heater, synthetic salt mix, aragonite gravel a thermometer and a hydrometer to measure salt levels in the water.

Decorations- This is where the money can disappear quickly. Many people use dead coral skeletons which are very expensive for larger pieces and need to be cleaned frequently.

Live rock is another option that also costs a fair amount of money but will do an excellent job of keeping the water quality high and the fish happy so it is worth the extra money.

Some people have used cheaper volcanic rock in their saltwater tanks but it usually shows algae very well and does not provide the bacteria and microscopic life that live rock does.

The Fish- A 40 gallon tank will allow you to keep at least 4-5 small fish. If you choose the right saltwater fish for your salt water fish tank you can stock it very cheaply. Stick with hardy species that do not cost a lot like clown fish, gobies, basslets, blennies and some more docile damsel fish.

Want a crystal clear successful Reef Aquarium? Our reef tank guide will show you how to avoid the common mistakes that lead to fish death, algae and an ugly tank. To get the secrets to creating a stunning reef aquarium visit

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Monday, February 2, 2009

The Attractive Cherry Barb

The Cherry Barb is a favorite tropical fish of many aquarium enthusiasts. Their lively nature and attractive coloring help to make them popular.

The male is especially adorned because of his red coloring which turns even a deeper red during the spawning period. The female Cherry Barb is a duller version of the male, ranging somewhere between light orange and yellow. Both sexes have a dark horizontal stripe along their body. Females are more plump than males, but the male is longer, growing up to 2 inches in length.

A lone Cherry Barb will most certainly become stressed. They are most content in a group of six or more. Other non-aggressive fish, such as Danios, female Bettas, Corydoras and Rainbow fish can be housed with the Cherry Barbs.

It is important to keep the Barbs in a 20-gallon aquarium, minimum. The water should be slightly acidic with the pH value being 6.5 - 7.5. The temperature should be 73 - 80 degrees Farhenheit. Plenty of plant life is also a requirement for the Cherry Barb aquarium. They love to swim in and through plants.

Flakes are a suitable food for Cherry Barbs, but give them brine shrimp, vegetable or blood worms as occasional treats. You will see them often nibbling on the plants as well, which makes them good light algae eaters.

During the spawning period the male will become a deeper shade of red and you will see him erect his fins and begin to circle other males as if in a competition. Soon he will be "dancing" with a female. She then starts the process of scattering over 200 eggs onto plants and stones. The male will follow behind her, fertilizing the eggs.

Don't worry about suddenly having 200 fry in your tank, as certainly not all will survive, due partly to the fact that the adults will eat the eggs. You can increase the chance of some fry survival by keeping the aquarium well planted. Fry instinctively hide among plants. Java moss works well for hiding.

During the fry's first few days they live off their yolk-sac. When they are 5 days old, offer them microworms. About 3 weeks later you can begin to wean them from the "baby" food as they are now ready for flaked food.

With good care, these newly hatched fry should live for 4 or 5 years.

The Cherry Barb is relatively easy to care for, making this energetic fish a good choice for the beginner aquarium enthusiast.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Small Decorative Aquariums For Your Home Or Office - Part II

OKAY - it is time to set up your decorative tank. Put your floor surface down, add your decoration (remember to wash or soak) and plant and fill the container 3/4 full with cool water. Let it stand a couple of hours to adjust to room temperature and you are ready to add your fish. Is that simple enough?

As far as selecting fish, remember you don't have a lot of water to work with. You don't want to overload the tank. I would start with two small compatible fish. I know some people laugh at the standard goldfish but they are beautiful and easy to keep. I started with a couple of betas. The males are outstanding and come in an unbelievable choice of colors. The drawback is you can't put two males together or they will fight to the death. One male and one female is a good start. I also started with paradise fish. While not as beautiful as the betas, they are very hardy and can live in just about any type of environment. They may be good for the person who might not be as dedicated as they should be to cleaning the tank. Right now I have fancy guppies. They are small, colorful and cohabit nicely with each other. I have 4 (2 male, 2 female) in a rather small tank and they seem happy. They are, however, constantly having babies which isn't a problem if you have someone to take them off your hands if you don't want to grow them out. I don't mean a couple of babies...they seem to be reproducing every 6 to 8 weeks with dozens of offspring each time. If you don't remove the babies right away, mom and dad have them for dinner. It is a bit challenging but fun if you have the patience. The babies aren't a problem for me as my husband takes them to his showroom to grow out and eventually put in tanks as 'fillers' as they are very colorful.

So, now you have selected your fish and a couple of appropriate choices of food. Take them home and add some of the water that has been sitting in the tank into the receptacle the fish came in, let it sit for an hour and into the tank they go. If you purchased healthy fish, you are done. Feed the fish small amounts twice a day. Don't let old food sit in the tank (I use the baster a couple of times a day but once will do), do a partial water change every couple of days and a full cleaning (take everything out and scrub) once every 7 to 10 days. Turn the light off at night to prevent algae from growing and to give the fish a rest.

There are a lot of variables that you will just learn as you go. Don't get discouraged if you lose some fish. It may not be your fault as some fish might not be healthy when purchased. Don't be afraid to ask questions at your local aquarium store. If they know you are a beginner they will help make your decisions easier. One note of caution: If you have cats as I do, be careful where you put your decorative tank. Need I say more? Good luck and have fun!

Visit one of my 175 Aquarium related websites. Here are a few to begin with and

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Lobster Tanks Info

Though they resemble fish, lobsters are not fish, but animals who survive on air. So they should always be kept in oxygen-enriched environment, to keep them alive. Otherwise, they will drown. They don't have blood and muscles but gain strength from internal fluids that they go on pushing from one chamber of the body to another. Hence they are called as hydraulically operated animals. Due to their hard shells, lobsters are also called as crustaceans. Their body fluid is essential for their survival. If this fluid is lost, their body starts deteriorating and the hard shells turn soft and slimy. The death of a lobster is final when their body elements start deteriorating, beginning with the tail detaching itself from the body and exposing the flesh. Hence lobsters should be handled with special care and maintenance of certain environmental conditions is necessary, when they are kept in the tanks.

Retaining the balance of environment in the tank is one of the most important factors. Biological filters like pads, bio rocks, etc. should be kept in the tank to support the growth of bacteria that destroy the pollutants emitted by the lobsters and thus help in maintaining the environmental balance. The amount of bacteria is important to balance the system, since their levels can increase or decrease based on the number of lobsters within the tank. According to scientific studies, the number of lobsters should equal the number of bacteria. In case of any discrepancy in the numbers, the bacteria are outnumbered and hence cannot destroy the growing amount of waste in the tank. This leads to rapid instruction and death of the lobsters and the bacteria.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

How Much Will a Saltwater Aquarium Cost to Setup? The Cost of Setting Up Saltwater Tanks Examined

Setting up a saltwater tank costs money, that fact cannot be argued. Most people think that it will take a lot of money and this keeps them away from the hobby. But figuring out how much will a saltwater aquarium cost is not that hard and the article below will help you understand the costs involved with setting up and caring for a saltwater tank.
How Much Will a Saltwater Aquarium Cost To Setup
While figuring out your marine aquarium setup to the penny would be pretty tough you can get a very close estimate of the overall cost by using a cost per gallon factor. If you are setting up a marine aquarium that will only have fish in it you can easily use the number of $20-$25 per tank gallon.
If you are setting up a reef aquarium the added equipment can drive this number to around $35 per tank gallon. The reef tank can go much higher then this if you are buying very high end equipment or exotic corals.
The above prices will give you a good estimate and should get you a tank that is completely set up ready to go with a basic fish or two. Additional fish will obviously add more money but because the prices of saltwater fish vary alot it is hard to gauge the extra expense they will add.
How Much To Maintain My Saltwater Aquarium
The cost involved to take care of marine aquariums will be different for each tank. But as a general rule of thumb the average saltwater tank will cost about $.50-$1 per tank gallon to run and maintain. A reef aquarium will be much more and you will be safe to figure in around $1.50-$2 per tank gallon in operating and maintenance costs each month.
To create an easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning aquariums! Learn more at
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BiOrb - The Aquarium of the Future

There is no getting beyond it. As far as care for the humble Goldfish is concerned boy have times have changed and how have they changed.
OK Hands up those who if asked who would know what a biOrb is? Well the answer would be is that a biOrb is the future as far as a home for our domestic friend the Goldfish is concerned.
No longer content with a simple bowl made from simple glass with the odd throw away from Grannies house clearance lurking in the bottom no sirree, the Goldfish has moved on to bigger and better things and a closer in section of what exactly a biOrb does will give us a clearer understanding of why.
Firstly you have to consider the technology involved here and it has to be said that this is quite impressive. All biOrb Aquariums utilize a unique five -stage system to improve and maintain water quality and clarity. This, as keen owners of tropical fish will be only too ready to Admit is essential in the healthy welfare of our fishy friends.
The optimized water is better and stays clearer for much longer than conventional systems. The five-stage process includes biological, mechanical and chemical filtration along with water stabilization and 100% oxygenation.
One of the other interesting and revealing things about a biOrb is that they are made out of Acrylic as opposed to conventional glass. Now Acrylic is a clear plastic that looks similar to glass but has properties that make it superior to glass. All biOrbs are constructed out of acrylic and this enables the biOrb to be stronger, much lighter and have an overall superior finish compared to similar aquariums made out of glass.
One of the other benefits of acrylic over glass is that acrylic is much more shock absorbent than glass which in turn means that all acrylic aquariums are much more able to withstand the shocks and accidental bumps that occur from time to time without breaking.
But being lighter and stronger is about much more than that.
Being lighter means that biOrbs are approximately 50% lighter than conventional glass aquariums and the knock on effect is that it would be difficult if not impossible for someone to carry a 60 litre for emptying whereas the 60 litre biOrb is within the ability of a strong person to pick up, carry and empty.
Being stronger means that the acrylic biOrbs are up to 17 times as strong as conventional glass aquariums and this considerably decreases the chance of the aquarium breaking. It is a little known fact that one inch thick acrylic is actually bullet proof. The other thing and benefit to acrylic is that it can be drilled and worked with without the possibility of it shattering and becoming completely useless.
Lastly the finish on acrylic aquariums is actually superior to glass aquariums and the added benefit is that if scratched, an acrylic aquarium can be polished and restored whereas its glass counterpart, if scratched remains scratched.
There is a whole lot more to biOrb aquariums and this will be discussed at later briefings.
Stephen Morgan writes regularly on all matters concerning Pets and Leisure and more information on the biOrb and Aquariums in general can be found at
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Friday, January 30, 2009

Have a Cloudy Saltwater Aquarium? - How to Make Your Saltwater Fish Tank Clear Again

Nothing looks better then a crystal clear saltwater aquarium. Unfortunately many saltwater fish keepers cannot get rid of their cloudy water and never have truly crystal clear marine aquariums. The tips below will help you understand why your saltwater aquarium water is cloudy and what you can do to make it clear again.

Why Saltwater Fish Tank Water Gets Cloudy

There are two main reasons that your saltwater fish tank water will be cloudy. Those two reasons are bacterial blooms and excessive debris in your water

The bacterial blooms are the direct result of over feeding your fish or over stocking your tank. The excess waste that to many fish and rotting fish food produce will break down and will feed the bacteria.

To much debris in the water usually comes from filters that are not strong enough or not cleaned frequently enough to do a good job.

How To Make Your Marine Aquarium Water Clear Again

First examine the amount of fish you have in your tank. You should really only have one average size fish for every 8-10 gallons of tank volume. If you have alot more then this you may need to remove one or two saltwater fish to get the stocking levels back within an acceptable range.
Also make sure to shut off all pumps and filters when you feed and add your fish and add food slowly. This will give the fish the best chance at getting all the food and it will not be blown around.

Take a look at your filter system as well and make sure the filters you have are rated for the tank size you have. If they are to small you may need to upgrade to larger more efficient filters.
Make sure to clean your filters at least every two weeks to get rid of trapped debris and fish waste that can add to bacterial blooms. You may need to clean them more frequently if they are slightly underpowered.

To create a stunning saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning saltwater displays! Learn more at
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How to Take Care of a Saltwater Aquarium and Have Healthy Saltwater Fish

If you are wondering how to take care of a saltwater aquarium its really pretty easy. Although there are a few things you need to keep an eye on in order to have a stunning marine aquarium and healthy saltwater fish.

Change The Water- Saltwater fish tanks need frequent water changes in order to keep harmful compounds to a minimum. It is recommended that you change at least 25% of the water on a monthly basis. This does not all have to be done at once and is better if you split it up into two or three water changes over the course of a month.

Salt Levels- Saltwater fish tanks will evaporate water just like a freshwater tank. The only downside is that in a saltwater tank the salt levels rise as freshwater evaporates out. You must make sure to replace any evaporated water every few days to keep your salinity levels constant and within range or your fish can get stressed out and sick.

Nitrate Levels- High nitrate levels in a saltwater fish tank can cause a lot of problems that will make keeping your tank much harder. These problems include sick fish and problem algae growth. By testing your water weekly you will be able to pick up on any increases in nitrates and take evasive measures before it becomes a problem.

Temperature- Saltwater fish are very sensitive to changes in their environment and the biggest change that can cause them to get sick is temperature swings. You will need to check the tanks temperature daily to make sure it is not to hot or cold. This is very important during summer and winter. If the temperature gets to hot the oxygen levels will drop and the fish can die. To cold and the fish will not be able to survive and will perish quickly in cold water.

To create a stunning and easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning displays! Learn more at
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Saltwater Aquarium Algae -The Main Causes of Marine Aquarium Algae and How to Avoid Them

The biggest problem that any saltwater fish tank keeper faces is aquarium algae growth. Algae can turn a beautiful tank into an eye sore and be a source of frustration for the owner. Fortunately stopping algae in a saltwater aquarium is easy to do and most times it can be traced to the easily preventable actions that you are doing.

How To Avoid Algae In Your Marine Aquarium

Proper Fish Stocking Levels- Overstocking saltwater aquariums is probably the biggest reason for aquarium algae growth in marine aquariums. Not only will to many fish add excessive waste to the tank increasing the nitrates that algae thrives on,they will also drive the oxygen levels down to the point where algae will begin to grow.

To make sure your tank is not over stocked start with a small fish per ten gallons of tank volume and slowly move up from there. After each fish addition monitor nitrate and phosphate levels and if they are starting to rise then you have reached your fish limit.

Use Pure Water- Many saltwater fish tank owners use tap water for there tanks. This is almost always a recipe for excessive algae growth. This is because most local water companies add phosphates to the water in order to prevent rusting pipes. This phosphate will fuel algae blooms like crazy. To get around this problem purchase a good revere osmosis water system that will give you 99% pure water.

Only Add What You Can Test For- There is a wide variety of saltwater aquarium additives and supplements on the market that promise alot of amazing things. Some are good some are bad and some are down right nasty and can fuel aquarium algae growth as fast as nitrates or phosphates. As a rule of thumb if you cannot test for it do not add it to your tank, no matter what the bottle says.

To create a stunning algae free saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning aquariums! Learn more at
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Tips to Lower Nitrates in Saltwater Aquarium and Have Healthy Saltwater Fish in an Algae Free Tank

Having lower nitrates in a saltwater aquarium is critical to having healthy colorful saltwater fish and also for keeping nuisance aquarium algae to a minimum. High nitrates in your tank can usually be traced to a few key factors which are discussed below.

How to Lower Nitrates In a Saltwater Aquarium
Feed Carefully- Feeding your saltwater fish is something that has to be done but simply throwing some food in the tank is not the proper way to do it and can lead to higher nitrates if uneaten food gets trapped in filters or blown into areas were it will be left to rot.

instead you should shut off all filters and pumps and add small amounts making sure the fish consume it all. Do this for a few minutes or until your saltwater fishes bellies appear round and full.

Have The Proper Fish Load- Overstocking your salt water fish tank is a guaranteed way to have high nitrates and the problems that come with them. This is a common problem especially among new salt water fish tank owners.

To avoid overstocking make sure that you start out with one smaller fish per ten gallons of tank water volume. Slowly add fish a few weeks apart and make sure to test your nitrates during those few weeks. When you find your nitrates have started to rise after a new fish addition you cannot add anymore and are at the stocking limit of your tank.

Increase Tank Maintenance- Make sure to change your saltwater frequently and vacuum the gravel to remove any settled debris. Also make it a habit to change your filter pads every one to two weeks to remove the fish waste and uneaten food that will start to decay and add nitrates. By increasing the frequency that you clean your aquarium filters and change your tanks water you will be removing the things that cause high nitrates.

To create a stunning and easy-to-maintain saltwater aquarium grab a copy of our Saltwater Aquarium Guide. This illustrated guide will show you step by step how to properly set up your aquarium. It's crammed with tips and secrets that the pros use to create stunning displays! Learn more at
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